I am a guy who likes to spend a lot of time with my friends. I also do some pretty crazy stuff with them!!! I love playing outside! Much rather than video games in the house! So keep watching for new posts!!!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
This is one of my most recent injuries. This time it wasn't me falling off the skateboard, the skateboard fell on me! Well, actually I was just getting a box down and it knocked down the skateboard so that it fell right on my head! The split was about as wide as your pinky as long as your pinky and it was about half an inch deep! This is when he had to clean it all out! He had to use like suction cup thing! It hurt really bad! then he made me hold the huge numbing needle!!!!!!! IT WAS AS BIG AS YOU SHIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is when my sis fell and cut her knee a little. I think it was like the worst one she's ever had! Which is kinda funny, cuz the cut she had on her knee was as bad as like the crashes that just about nothing seems to have happened but then I get home and my family says, " Oh my gosh!!! What happened?!" Ha ha ha! This is one of my best friends Felicia. We were playing outside and she hit her nose on a bar in the back of our truck (long story) and broke her nose! But she didn't complain or whine or cry or anything! She surprised me!!!! This is simply Felicia being Felicia!! Ha ha ha!
And whoa, in the second picture you actually looked kinda scared! he he he jk
yah we're cool!!!!
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