Tuesday, August 21, 2007


A while back we went on a road trip to an ordination of 7 men becoming priests!!! So we took a bunch of pictures!!! As you can tell. he he he.Big buildings that were not used to where we live!!!! They were huge!!!!!!Some more big buildings and over crossing streets that we really don't see where we live!!!A really big building from a distance!!!My friend Elyse and my sister Mac.There were these cool sculpture things but they were plants!!! They were really cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Another really big building!!!Some more big buildings!!!Some more big buildings!!!Some more big buildings!!!And here's one of those train things!!!! We never see those things where we live!!!!!!!!! Never!!!My two really good friends that came with us!!!A pix i took that they didn't expect!!! ha ha ha. I'm so good!!!And while we were driving SPIDER MAN ran across the street and they were filming him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I grabbed the camera sooooo fast to take pictures!!!!!!!!!!!! It was aaaaaaaaaawesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And then we were yelling things to him through the windows!!! ha ha ha.Another one of Spider man!!! It was soooooooooo cool. but it was just a guy in like a Halloween costume! And he didn't look strong at all and spiderman is strong!!! so i yelled out the window," Aren't you supposed to be strong?!!!!" and then he just said i have no clue wat ur saying!!! but i think he heard me!!! I think he was just embarrassed. Ha ha ha. but it was cool!!!!!And then wen were had parked and we were walking towards the church, we saw one of my really good friends' car driving so i took a pix and we waved and everything!!! Then there was this really cute little boy right behind us and we had to take a pix of him!!!! He was sooooo funny!!!
There was this GINORMOUS Oregon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We couldn't get too good of a pix from where we were but we still got one!!!!!!!
This is our old priest that left for school in Rome!!! We miss him sooooooo much!!!!
This is him again.
This is all the priests laying their hands on the newly ordained priests. it was really cool how they did this!!!

This is the altar! it was soooooo amazing!!!!!!
Then there was this thing hanging from the roof with a scripture on it!!! That was really cool too!
Here is a good pix of the whole altar. with the hanging Cross and everything!!! The church was soooooooo beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!
And here's a good pix of just the Cross. It was soooooo beautiful!!! I'm so glad we went to this ordination!!!!!!! I will make some more posts soon!!!!!! ttyl


Ruthie said...

Wow, those are tall buildings. And that church is B-E-AUTIFUL!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hi sean! nice blog! see i got on it lol

Ruthie said...

UPDATE YOUR BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!